The Librarian.
I take pride in having worked at a library for four years. In this piece I portray myself as the steadfast librarian, watcher of the books. She silences rowdy patrons with her stern gaze. Something hides behind her pursed lips, a secret she's dying to tell you, but will forever keep mum.18" x 24"
Quadruple Bypass
My father suffered a heart attack recently and underwent open-heart surgery. He lost his job, developed diabetes, and suffers from a serious depression. It has caused the family a lot of hardship, economically and emotionally. He still struggles, to this day, with the responsibilities of all his losses, as represented by the arms. In bypass surgery, arteries are removed from other parts of the body, such as the arms, to replace the clogged arteries in the heart. He has lost all interest in the things that have made him happy, like playing guitar. In his lowest arms, he holds a photo of his children; his only remaining hope.