My father suffered a heart attack recently and underwent open-heart surgery. He lost his job, developed diabetes, and suffers from a serious depression. It has caused the family a lot of hardship, economically and emotionally. He still struggles, to this day, with the responsibilities of all his losses, as represented by the arms. In bypass surgery, arteries are removed from other parts of the body, such as the arms, to replace the clogged arteries in the heart. He has lost all interest in the things that have made him happy, like playing guitar. In his lowest arms, he holds a photo of his children; his only remaining hope.
This is really good. You should cross-post your art to your LJ though, or advertise this blog there more often.
I kind of like the idea of my art blog being secret, though. It's less stressful on me. It's a nice place to dump stuff without people expecting anything out of me.
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